I can't believe it has been 2 months since I wrote in this blog, but it has. We stayed at Kenessee Lake Thousand Trails until 11 July. It is a really nice park. The staff is great and very helpful. We stayed in the C section for 1 week, but we did not have good satelite reception, so we moved into one of the pull thrus that came open. The reception was much better and we enjoyed the park a lot more. We went to eat the the Jefferson Dinner on 2 occasions, which means it was really good. They had a band for entertainment one evening. They were pretty good, but I think most of the campers did not appreciate them being provided for them.

We left Kenessee Lakes TT and went on a couple of 1 nighters, I do not normally like to do that, but we were headed to Escapade and I wanted to camp in as many states in the north east as possible while we were up there. Our next stop was Pope Haven Campground in Randolph, NY. We were able to get a pull thru site so we did not have to unhook, so we spent 1 night there. The site we got was as good as it was going to get there, and it was difficult to get out of when we got ready to leave the nest morning.
We next went to Trout Run Camping Resort in Wellsville, NY. This was really a nice campground that was in the process of renovating. A salt water pool had just been added and opened for the first time the day after we got there. I would recommend this campground to anyone. All of the sites appeared to be pull thrus. I did recommend that he trim a few trees as they are fairly low hanging. We stayed there for 4 nights. This is the first place I have seen a 'Live Bate" machine.

From Trout Run RV Resort, we headed to Susquehanna Trail Campground in Oneonta, NY. This was another one of the 1 night stays, which again, we were able to get a pull thru site so we did not have to unhook. We next went to Lake George Cmapsite in Queensbury, NY. Once again, another 1 night stay working our way to Escapade. From there we drove to Lone Pine Campground in Colchesster, VT. We needed to stay a couple of nights so we could dump the tanks and get ready to go into Escapade as we would not have sewer at Escapade. This is one of the nicer campgrounds in the area. We parked next to Gary & Mary Olsen, who were were going to work with at Escapade. We stayed here from the 19th until the 21st when we went into Escapade.
We next headed the 6 miles to Escapade, at the Essex County Fairgound. As we were on staff, we went in a early. We stuffed goody bags and help set up coffee and donuts. We served the staff, especially the parking crew, for the next couple of mornings before the main body of attendees arrived. It was really great to work with Gary and Mary Olsen. They ensured we were well taken care of and had a really good time. I hope we get to work with them next year in Tuscon. we were able to attend the Chapter 57 get together and, as you can see, Debby and some of the staff enjoyed raising money for C.A.R.E. I was also able to get with a couple of I.O.O.K. Vice Presidents. We really enjoyed the 56th Escapade and look forward to the 57th in Tucson.

We stayed a couple of extra days at the fairgrounds to reccoperate. When we finally left in the 31st of July, we headed to Cascade Campgrounds, in Loudon, NH. I had decided that we would mark all of the north eastern state off of our to do list while we were up there so we would never "have" to come back unless there was really a need to. The traffic is terrible and slow and the roads are not really conducive to our rig.
We next headed to the Fam Camp at Hancom AFB in Bedford, MA. This is a fairly decent park, but the greeting we got was Less than Friendly. She was worried about the grass and threatened to make us leave if I parked on it. It was all dead. No one else got this greeting as I did ask. The good news was that Marty and Peggy McCauley were there and we toured Boston with them. We really enjoyed our time with them.
We really enjoyed our touring of Boston as we had never been there before.
This was a trolley tour that we could get on and off. We toured Sam Adams brewery before we went on the trolley. We had a good time the Marty and Peggy. We thank them for including us.
When we left Hanscom AFB we did a series of 1 night stays at different parks to fill in so states. 8 Aug found us at Holiday Acres Camp Resort in N. Scituate, RI, the 9rh at Wilderness Lake Park in Williington, CT, the 10th at Triple River RV Camp Resort in Blairstown, NJ, The 11th at Holiday Park Campground in Greesboro, MD and on the 12th at Dover AFB Fam Camp. This was a real disappointment. We had heard that it was a small campground, but did not expect it to be SO SMALL. All but 3 hook up sites are taken by people working on the base. Not even active duty. Of course the hook up sites were taken, as was the only dry site. We did stay one night there, in the grass next to the pavillion. That is where they told us we could park. This was our first experience dry camping with the 5th wheel. We used our generators when we could. We ran them out of fuel once and used quite a bit of the next tank full. It would not have been so bad, except is was over 100 degrees wile we were there. The A/C just could not keep up.

We only stayed 1 night here as it was just unbearable. So the next day we went ot Brandywine Creek RV Park in Downingtown, PA. We were only going to stay here one night, but we decided to stay for 3 nights. It was good to relax for a couple of days and get the holding tanks empty.
Our next stop was at the Thousand Trails in Hershey, PA. It is a fairly nice campground with the usual TT amenities. While we were there, we did a trolley tour of Hershey, PA and the Chocolate Factory. The factory tour is a vertual tour, but very enjoyable. I highly recommend the trolley tour. We learned a lot about the man and the town called Hershey. While we were at the Thousand Trails there, we finally upgraded to Elite Connections, so we now get All of the parks. We did get a fairly good deal, but still A LOT.
We left Hershey TT on th 24th and headed to Falling Waters Campground in Falling Waters, WV. We only spent 1 night here and had a very difficult time getting out as they had just cut down some trees and the logs were partially blocking the exit from our site. We did finally get out after having to move some of them.
On the 25th of Aug we arrived at Lynchburg Thousand Trails in Gladys, VA. This is an older park that only offers 30 amp, but it is heavily wooded, os the A/C can keep up. The only problem with the park is NONE of the sites ar level. We were in one site that I did not have enough Blocks to get anywhere near level. We moved across the street and we are now in this site for the remainder of our stay. When I set up, we had a problem with the slide again. I thought it was just the slide acting up again, but I found out that the slide out topper had stuck ( the anti Billows got cocked and stuck ) and kept one side from going out. I got it really cocked before I realized what the problem was. The slide out topper pulled away from the coach wall and we will be having that fixed the day we leave her on the 6th of September as we head to our next stop. How frustrating this has been.

I will try very hard not to be so remiss in keeping up the blog. Our travels are not interesting to all, but I know there are some that enjoy the posts. It will be good to get back to see the kids in September. From here we are headed to Debby's aunts in Gainesville, GA and then on to the Georgia Good Sam Rally. Then we will be headed to Jacksonville.
Ya'll Travel safe, and I'll type more later.