It's hard to believe that it has been a month again since I posted. We left Summerdale, AL at Rainbow Plantation and went to the Good Sam of Florida Rally at Tallahassee, FL. We had a good time and our friends Bob & Sue Guthrie traveled with us and attended. As usual, unloading and loading their Smart Car was a specticle that we should have sold tickets for. Everyone sure seems to enjoy witnessing their procedure. I know we sure did the first time we saw it. We enjoyed the rally as we got to see many members of our Good Sam Chapter, the Sunset Ramblers. It was good to see everyone.
Our friends, Hollis & Regena bought a new rig at the Rally at Tally. They are the South Carolina State Directors. We know that they have been looking for over a year and it is good to see them finally find a rig they like.
We left Tallahassee and headed toward Thousand Trails Orlando in Clermont, FL. We only stayed there for 3 days, so we were only able to get a 30 amp site. We left there and traveled the arduous 31 miles to the Central Florida Fairgrounds to attend the Orlando Hamcation, the ARRL National gathering this year. We had a great time. We parked with WBCCI, our Ham Radio Club that conduct the RV Service Nets. It was good to put faces with the names and calls. There were also a number of IOOK members there, which we hope to meet more of when we head to Dayton Hamcation. I was able to get everything on my want list, which was actually rather small. I also one the Grand Prize of the club, a Eagle One HF Antenna. As I already had one, I was able to see the one I won before we left the fairgrounds.
We left the fairgrounds and drove the same arduous 31 miles back to Thousand Trails Orlando, where we were able to get a 50 amp site. We were really hoping for a 50 amp site as we are here for 15 days. We are in the same site we were in when the kids came and visited. Today we took some time and looked at a 2006 Phaeton 40QDR motor home. They have really kept it in good shape and made changes that were exactly what we would want. Unfortunately, we just can't afford their asking price right now. Tonight we went and visited some new friends that are related to Ken & Sherrie Risberg. We really enjoy their company.
From here we will be heading to Escapee Chapter 57 rally at Southern Palms in Eustis, FL then to Hobokin, GA for our Good Sam Chapter Rally, the Sunset Ramblers then on to NAS Jacksonville for a couple of weeks to be near the kids. I will try to update the blog a little more often
Travel safe and I'll type more later!