Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Touristy Type of Day

Today, Debby and I drove from Page, AZ to Monument Valley.  This is a beautiful drive as can be attested by a couple of photos we took along the way there.  I have included a picture of the Navaho Mall that Debby went shopping in.

Once we got to Monument Valley, we got to enjoy some of Gods finest art work!  This entire time we have been out west has been one beautiful scene after another.

Once we left Monument Valley, the scenery did not stop.  When we finally got to 4 Corners, we discovered that it was a very unique place to be.  (We do know that this really isn't the exact location as it was based on a survey that turned out to be in error), but it was good to look like we were in 4 states at one time.  We did change time zones several times. (MST & MDT)

We did have an enjoyable day, even though I drove right at 400 miles today.  I'm kind of tired, but I wanted to get this out for y'all.  The drive home was not unremarkable, we had several good sites to see.

It was dark by the time we got home, but it was a fun and enjoyable day.  Tomorrow we are taking a short scenic trail and the Monday, we will be headed to Hatch, UT.
Y'all travel safe and I'll type more later!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you guys are really enjoying your fulltime life style. You have earned it. I love the west coast the most so far.
