Thursday, January 26, 2017

Monthly update

It has been a little over a month since I updated y'all about our trek west.  We left NAS Jax on the 12th of December and headed toward Dublin, TX.  We took 2 days to go to Rainbow Plantation in Summerdale, AL.  This is an Escapee park and it is really nice.  We were able to visit with Bob & Sue Guthrie while there and it was good to catch up with them.  It had been a while since we were able to see them.  We only stayed in Summerdale for 3 nights and headed toward Dublin.  We stopped in Shreveport, LA and got parked in a site that was VERY difficult to get out of.  The site was laid out at an angle and the next door neighbors parked their car, in their site, but making it very difficult to get out.  I asked if they could move the car, but the  man said it was his wife's car and she was at work and he did not have a key.  He helped us get out by watching one side of the rig and Debby watched the other side.  I was going to put a picture from looking out of the windshield, but I can't find it.  Anyway, we went on to Dublin, TX and visited Vic & Barb O'Donnel.  We don't get to see them very often, but spent Christmas and New Year with them.  It was really good to see them.

.When we left Dublin, we headed toward Quartzsite, AZ.  We stopped at Mrs G's RV Park in Loraine, TX.  This was not the nicest park we have been in, but the folks were really friendly, and the price was reasonable.

Next we went to Van Horn RV Park in Van Horn, TX.  This was a nicer park and we enjoyed our stay here.

This was the view at sunrise there.  What a beautiful view.  Also, this Lux 5th wheel and Mack truck was there and I thought it was a neat looking rig.
Next we headed to Dream Catcher RV Park, an Escapee park in Demming, NM.  We had been here before and it is a nice park at a good price.  Of course, as an Escapee, we are prejudice.  
When we left Demming, we headed to Quails Ridge RV Resort, our home park for AOR in Huachuca City, AZ.  This is a nice park and we spent a week there as that is what we can stay for free.  While there we were able to go to Ft. Huachuca to the commissary.  We could not find the main post exchange as it seems to be laid out rather strangely.

Next we headed to Rose RV Park in Quarzsite where we stayed 3 nights before we went into the RV Show.  We have been in the RV Show since Thursday, the 19th of January.  We have been here since then and will be leaving on Monday the 30th.  We have had a good time working the show with some really nice folks.  We did go out to the Escapee Happy Hour and enjoyed seeing LOTS of old friends.  

Since we have been here in Quarzsite we have got to spend some time with the folks we work donuts with at Escapade.  It has really been nice to see them and spend some time with them.  That pretty well brings us up to date. so I'll sign off for now.

Y'all travel safe, and I'll type more later!